mdw structured doctoral programme


Together Alone

Autumn School, Lecture Series and a new Office

The new semester started with our Autumn School in Tyrol. It gave us the opportunity to come together in person and grow stronger as a team but also, in addition to enjoying the last summer days of the year, to recharge our batteries for a filled semester ahead:

In October our interdisciplinary lecture series “Together Alone. Musical Practices between Collectivity and Individuation” started.  We already heard exciting lectures by Simone Mahrenholz, Kai van Eikels, Adel-Jing Wang, Andreas Meyer, Timothy J. Dowd, and Nina Sun Eidsheim and we are looking forward to six more - it is still possible to join via zoom (registration & contact:

Photos: Private


Isabel Frey is teaching for the first time this semester. Her seminar "Gender Studies 01: Creolization. Theories of Multiplicity" at the Institute for Cultural Management and Gender Studies (IKM) deals with theories from Postcolonial and Gender Studies on creolization, hybridization and diaspora. Juan Escobar Campos participated in the PhD Colloquium of the Fachverband Kulturmanagement (Association of Cultural Management), presenting his research project to the Young Academics Working Group (8th of October). In this workshop, Juan discussed and received feedback on theoretical and methodological issues from peers and professors. Similarly this Colloquium became an opportunity to connect and find synergies with other young researchers from the network of cultural management studies. In November Sophie Zehetmayer has been awarded by the University of Vienna for her Master thesis with the title „Musik der Philosophie. Eine Analyse der Musikbezüge zeitgenössischer Musikphilosophien“– congratulations! Two days later she presented "Von der (Un)möglichkeit eines 'sinnvollen Nebeneinanders der Gegensätze'. Adornos sprachliche Spuren in Albrecht Wellmers Versuch über Musik und Sprache" at the symposium WORTE OHNE LIEDER. Von der Sprachästhetik zur ästhetischen Theorie in Adornos musikalischen Schriften which took place at mdw from November 10.-13. 2021

Further, we are very happy to announce that the doctoral candidates could finally move into their new office at Johannesgasse. Thus, they now have a place to come together, to exchange, but also to concentrate and focus. We hope that these excellent working conditions will enable a little bit more "togetherness"  in these still challenging times.



Structured Doctoral Programme (sdp)
Nikolaus Urbanek, Hanna Brinkmann
mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
A-1030 Vienna

mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna