COVID-19 Safety Concept

This symposium will bring together many people from different countries. In order to protect yourself and vulnerable people participating at the symposium, we kindly ask you to consider the following regulations:


  • We highly recommend to get PCR-tested in advance as close to the event as possible. We know that this is not possible in every country, but if you have the opportunity, please do so!


  • We will provide free antigen self-tests on site.

If you do not have a valid PCR-test (72 hours) we ask you to test yourself before registration on site.
Please calculate about 15-20 minutes extra time for this and be there in time!

Please use another free antigen self-test on Saturday and Sunday morning before the programme starts!


  • FFP2 masks mandatory in conference rooms: Wearing a FFP2 mask is mandatory in the large conference room “Joseph Haydn-Saal” and in all workshop rooms.

Presenters on stage do not have to wear a FFP2 mask. If you are participating in the lecture or discussion actively by e.g. asking a question you can take off you mask if you want.


  • General FFP2 mask recommendation: We recommend masks to be worn outside of the conference rooms as often as possible.


Please, do not come to the symposium if you have any symptoms of acute illness!

PLEASE NOTE: People with a COVID-19 infection are not allowed to enter the university, even if they are symptom-free or mildly ill. If you happen to have a positive test, we will provide ONLINE ACCESS to the symposium online immediately.

Looking forward to seeing you soon – safe travels and stay healthy!